Cool-n-Save AC Misting

Saving money or just green washing?

Saving Money or Just Green Washing?

One Cool-n-Save® system can save as much energy as 38 CFL Light Bulbs

“Getting Green” or “Going Green” means different things to different people. Most of our customers are looking for ways to save money on the cost of keeping their homes cool. Reducing one’s carbon footprint on the planet is a nice idea, but not always “top of mind.”

The inventors of Cool-n-Save only one thing on their mind: an easy and affordable solution that will help the average homeowner to “do their part” for the environment and make a conscious decision to save energy and reduce their carbon footprint. But their primary focus was financial – to make help customers save you a substantial amount of money on their electric bill. And by all accounts, they were successful.

Independent and laboratory studies have shown that by installing a Cool-n-Save® system you can save as much as 30% on your AC’s energy consumption. Air Conditioning can add up to almost 90% of your electric bill during the hottest months. It adds up to a much more efficient appliance that will equate to more energy saved and more money in your pocket. But these days, “Going Green” isn’t always that easy.

What is “Greenwashing?”

The practice of companies making their products appear to be environmentally sound by putting them in green packages, claiming they are biodegradable (when they are not). “Greenwash” is a term used to describe the act of misleading consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company or the environmental benefits of a product or service. The term “Green Sheen” has similarly been used to describe organizations which attempt to appear that they are adopting practices beneficial to the environment.

That’s not what the inventors of Cool-n-Save had in mind.

Cool-n-Save is not a “Greenwashed” Product

Ten years since its introduction, Cool-n-Save has proven to be a durable and viable product. Individual members of the company want to do everything we can to meet global standards for sustainability, and we think we do a pretty good job, but our core mission is to give our customers real value.

What’s your “green” mission?

Set aside political debates over the climate and ask one thing: do you like to save money? Sure you do, and so do the thousands of people who now own a Cool-n-Save for their central air conditioning system.

But if you happen to also think globally, then consider these THREE benefits of owning a Cool-n-Save. While Cool-n-Save® saves you money it’s important to realize the positive impact it has on the environment.

  1. Cool-n-Save helps preserve natural resources — It reduces the amount of energy needed to maintain comfortable household temperatures thereby reducing non-renewable fuel consumption to produce electricity.
  2. Cool-n-Save helps protect air quality — Electricity generation creates a lot of CO2 emissions. Cool-n-Save prevents the release of over 5,000 lbs. of C02 emissions per year for the average household.
  3. Cool-n-Save is accessible  — It is affordable for most households and it is easy to use. The technology itself is so basic and so simple that any household with a central AC unit will receive substantial benefit.

Those three reasons are what earned Cool-n-Save a TechAmerica High-Tech Innovation Award for Green Engineering from Harvey Mudd College. Back when we were still “Greenway Design Group,” the inventors of Cool-n-Save was recognized by a panel of engineers to be an innovation that has wide reach and high potential to significantly reduce energy consumption wherever air conditioning systems are used.

Wouldn’t it be nice if saving money always led to a bigger mission? Are you ready to purchase your Cool-n-Save®?

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